Das Experten­forum Service Excellence 2024 von Sybit bot erneut ein innovatives Format, das sich gezielt den Herausforderungen im modernen Kunden­service widmete. Sowohl die Themenvielfalt als auch die hochkarätigen Speaker, darunter Experten von SAP, Sybit und führenden Industrieunternehmen wie Balluff, boten den Teilnehmenden wertvolle Einblicke in die Zukunft des Service. Adressiert wurden insbesondere die Digitalisierung und Automatisierung von Serviceprozessen, der Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) sowie die strategische Vorbereitung auf S/4HANA.

Mit insgesamt 96 Teilnehmern, davon 43 vor Ort und 53 online, war die Veranstaltung ein voller Erfolg und unterstrich die Relevanz dieser Themen für Service-Verantwortliche in der Industrie.

Wie KI & Co. den Kunden­service revolutionieren

Lectures and their Content

AI in Service: Innovations and Practical Applications (Niklas Fechner, SAP)

This lecture demonstrated how AI-based solutions can revolutionize service processes, from self-help for customers to support by intelligent agents. The SAP Service Cloud integrates AI directly into workflows, enabling service teams to work more efficiently and deliver personalized, proactive solutions.

Holistic Service Processes: Your Path to Measurable Success (Saskia Cempel, Robert Kanis, Sybit)

Saskia Cempel and Robert Kanis explained how companies can design their service processes holistically to increase efficiency and retain customers in the long term. They emphasized the importance of automation, standardized procedures, and the use of KPIs such as the first-time fix rate and SLA compliance.

Service Excellence 2024

Service innovations are a competitive advantage

The Service Excellence 2024 expert forum impressively demonstrated how companies can take their service performance to the next level through the integration of digital solutions and strategic process optimizations. The projects and use cases presented provided practical insights into the challenges and opportunities of modern service processes. The event concluded with an expert talk, during which the most innovative approaches and solutions were discussed in detail. The exchange between participants and experts highlighted the importance of service innovations as a competitive advantage in an increasingly digitalized world.

At our Sybit expert forums, you and your customer experience take center stage. In personal discussions and presentations from our customers and consultants, you encounter expertise that focuses entirely on your challenges. Our flagship event covers all aspects of customer experience—from the latest SAP technologies to best practices that create real added value. Take advantage of the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals, experience exclusive demos, and delve deeply into the latest developments in digital business models. Whether on-site or virtual—this format is aimed at decision-makers in e-business, e-commerce, service, sales, marketing, and IT in the B2B sector who value holistic and future-proof solutions. The next Sales Excellence expert forum will take place on March 27, 2025.