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Success Story: Boges' experience with SAP & Sybit

IT roadmap for the future

Complex requirements, different systems, one roadmap: How Boge is shaping its IT landscape holistically and with a view to the future. Boge's experience with SAP & Sybit.

Success Story: Boges' experience with SAP & Sybit
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A roadmap for the future

With more than 110 years of experience, BOGE KOMPRESSOREN Otto Boge GmbH & Co. KG is one of the oldest manufacturers of compressors and compressed air systems in Germany and has grown enormously worldwide. Headquartered in Bielefeld, the company supplies its products and systems to more than 120 countries worldwide. The IT system landscape in the background is correspondingly complex and has grown with the company over the years.

  • Heterogeneous system landscape based on a wide range of technologies
  • High maintenance and operating costs
  • Many interfaces and high data redundancies
  • Hardly any standard integrations between the systems


4 steps to a CX roadmap

The grown IT landscape at Boge was kept running by the IT department with a lot of passion, but was no longer fit for the future. Together with its partner Sybit, BOGE has designed a future system landscape that meets the requirements of BOGE users (internal and external).

First steps

This means a large number of consolidated or replaced systems and several new systems to be added in the coming years.
To make the result feasible, the project team has identified the associated (sub)projects and packed them into an implementation roadmap that takes all systems into account.
roadmap that takes all systems into account. The first sub-projects have already been implemented.

  • Replacement of existing SellAir and Sales Assistant tools with SAP Sales Cloud and SAP CPQ
  • Introduction Shop for spare parts
  • Introduction of the ADASMA service technician app
  • Introduction of keyCloak as central identity management
  • Preparing SAP ERP for SAP S/4 transformation

„We have developed the company's IT forwards and no longer act reactively, but can actively shape it. This gives us planning security, but also the respective specialist departments. We can therefore make a statement for system planning at any time, which is also coordinated with the company's investment planning.“

Uwe Rödenbeck, Head of IT Systems and Processes at BOGE Compressors


System environment

  • Automatic update of cloud solutions by SAP (without own implementation effort)
  • Modernization and update of the IT system landscape in preparation for the SAP S/4 HANA transformation
  • Replacement of SellAir and several sales assistants with integrated SAP cloud solutions
  • Reduction of the interfaces
  • Elimination of data redundancies between the systems
  • Reduction in operating and problem-solving costs
  • Reduction of risk through simplified solution/processes in operation
  • This enables support from external service providers (AMS)
  • Introduction of Shopware / replacement of Notes as store system
  • Introduction of service app / replacement of Notes as a service system
  • Introduction of identity management with keyCloak

für alle Fachbereiche 

  • Grundstein für übergreifende Prozesse zwischen Marketing, Sales, Service, Digital und eCommerce
  • Prozess zur Anlage und Änderung von Materialstammdaten (it.MDS)
  • Bereinigung und Vereinheitlichung der Stammdaten
  • Grundlage für Online-Konfiguration und neue digitale GeschäftsmodelleVerbesserung der Datenqualität (an zentraler Stelle in SAP)
  • Eine zentrale Konfiguration / Datenquelle in SAP

für den Vertrieb

  • Global einheitlich gelebter Vertriebsprozess
  • Bessere Transparenz im Vertriebsprozess
  • Einführung von Lead und Opportunity Management
  • Optimierte Zusammenarbeit zwischen Außen- und Innendienst über Territory Management
  • Konsolidierung der Workflows
  • Konsolidierung der Vertriebsprozesse auf SAP (SAP CPQ und SAP Sales Cloud)
  • Durchgängiger, digitaler Prozess von Angebotsanfrage bis Auftragserfassung(keine doppelte Erfassung des Kundenauftrags mehr)
  • Bessere Zusammenarbeit Marketing und Vertrieb

Vision for Customer Experience


  • SAP Commerce Cloud as a holistic customer portal
  • Marketing solution with integration to sales and service
  • SAP Service Cloud and SAP FSM as an integrated solution for service
  • Implementation of new digital pay-per-use business models
Boge Vision

What do you think of Boge's experience with SAP & Sybit?

Learn first-hand how Boge has driven its digital transformation and strengthened its customer relationships by working with Sybit. Discover how innovative technologies and tailor-made solutions can help to optimize the customer experience. Do you have any questions or would you like a personal consultation? Our experts are at your disposal. Contact us and find out how we can realize your vision together.

Tel.: +49 7732 9508-2000

Jennifer Bertsche, Business Development

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Jennifer Bertsche