N131/3300 DIBT S NCV 50 Hz PH134 (B) TiT. - Behind this cryptic name lies the energy of the future. To be more precise: a wind turbine from the Nordex Group. The listed company is one of the major global players in the wind energy sector. Its core business: the production, installation and maintenance of wind turbines. A company that not only operates in an industry with a future - but with the SAP Sales Cloud now also with an IT system of the future.

Starting point

The Nordex Group's wind turbines are highly complex products. Where wind conditions and the complex topography vary greatly within a site, the Nordex Group can configure the turbines according to the customer's wishes. The information for these projects was previously stored in different systems: Microsoft 
Dynamics, Excel, SAP ERP. When planning new wind turbines, the Nordex Group also has to manage a complex approval process. A number of issues from air traffic control to nature and animal protection have to be evaluated. Previously, this was done in various systems, which had to be dealt with by the relevant responsible parties. Folders with lists were carried around the company from department to department. Different systems, little transparency, extensive and time-consuming processing: that was the initial situation. The goal was clear: one solution for everything. Enable the same access to customer data for everyone internally. Create better documentation and transparency. Optimize processes. Increase usability and acceptance. The Nordex Group achieved all of this with the new SAP Sales Cloud solution and Sybit as a partner.

Overview of the project

The project

  • Replacement of the previous CRM (Microsoft Dynamics), which was used almost exclusively for reporting requirements
  • Replacement of various grown Excel solutions
  • Development of a central customer database and a central sales system
  • International introduction with 250 users in 20 countries

The added value

  • 360° customer view for all sales employees to adapt strategy and production planning
  • Faster closing of deals thanks to intelligent sales management and reporting
  • High user acceptance thanks to state-of-the-art user guidance and interface design

The new possibilities in the Sales Cloud 

  • Simple and centralized management of contacts, projects, leads and offers with a focus on opportunity management
  • Mapping of the gate process (approval process)
  • Availability of all relevant information regardless of location and device 
Jennifer Bertsche

What can you learn from Nordex's experience with SAP & SYBIT?

Are you, like Nordex, looking for a way to make your sales processes more efficient with the SAP Sales Cloud? With our extensive experience in SAP and implementing the SAP Sales Cloud, we support you in optimizing your sales workflows and strengthening your customer relationships for the long term. Together, we will develop a customized solution that accelerates your sales processes and equips your sales team with the tools to achieve maximum success.

Contact us for personalized consultation:

Mail: sales@sybit.de
Tel.: +49 7732 9508-2000

Jennifer Bertsche, Business Development